CS 227

Introduction to


This is an introductory programming course covering the concepts of variable data types, arithmetic operators, selection and repetition control structures, arrays, and object based programming. The student will apply problem solving techniques and develop program applications.



Slide Set 1: XHTML Introduction
Slide Set 2: XHTML Lists, Graphics, Hyperlinks
Number Systems and Codes Handout
Slide Set 3: Colors and CSS

Exam 1 - 50 points

Slide Set 10: JavaScript Introduction
Slide Set 11: Programming Operators
Slide Set 12: Conditional Structures
Slide Set 13: Repetition Structures

All documents are Acrobat PDF format. Acrobat Reader is free. Version 5 can be downloaded here.

(If doesn't load in browser save file and open with Acrobat Reader)


Textbook Internet & World Wide Web, How to Program, 3rd Ed
Authors: Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, Andrew B. Goldberg
Publisher: Prentice Hall, 2004, ISBN: 0131450913

Textbook web site - http://www.prenhall.com/deitel


Internet Browsers:

FirefoxMozilla Firefox - Mozilla's next generation browser with extension architecture. 5 MByte download.

Coding Tools:

TextPadText Pad
Feature filled shareware text editor. Optional dictionary can be installed and Clip Libraries to aid in XHTML and CSS coding.

HTML Tidy Online

The perfect xhtml 1.0 Strict document

Graphics Tools:

PhotoFiltre - Freeware Image Editor (1.5 MByte)

Web Server Hosting:

Free Web Hosting 50Webs.com is totally free and has No Ads.
Data storage=60 MBytes, Unlimited Subdomains, Site management Tools, Advanced Control Panel, FTP access, but filesize limited < 300 kBytes

Other Tools:

Course Materials