Balinese dance is quite entrancing. Kind of puts you in a meditative state just watching it. Beautiful ladies wearing exquisitely colorful clothing perform precise shifting movements in a wave of color. Some times men participate as well especially if the dance is done with masks.
    Unlike the west, where dancing is often done with sexual overtones, in Bali dance is usually inspired by Hindu mythology and the clashing forces of good, evil, and magic. It is as much drama as dance. I found it to be simply wonderful. The best performances are done with the accompaniment of a Gamelan Orchestra. Gamelan are precussions instruments similar to a xylophone in which bars are struck with a steal hammer. It is amazing how 60 musicians can seem to be completely synchronized and coordinated.
     Ubud has first class nightly performances every evening. Most of my photographs didn't turn out of the dance. Next trip I will bring faster film.

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