The focus of CS222 is computer coding for the World Wide Web to include HTML, XHTML, and CSS. Web graphics will also be covered. Students will design, develop, and construct a web site during the semester.
Read or do before classSyllabus
Read pp. 13-24Slide Set 1: Introduction
Read pp. 59-66, 70-71, 115
Slide Set 2: XHTML Block
Due Tues. 5 Sep.Assignment 1: Freedom Page, 15
Read pp. 73-82,
393-396Slide Set 3:
XHTML Inline Elements
Due Thur. 7 Sep.Assignment 2: Combustion Page, 15
Read pp. 78, 203-205, 211
Slide Set 4: XHTML List
Read pp. 83-115 Slide Set 5: Web Graphics
Read pp. 117-129 Slide Set
6: Hyperlinks
Due Tues. 26 Sep.Assignment 3: First Web Site,
50 pts.
Read Handout Number Systems and Codes
pp. 25-40 Overview and
Thur. 28 Sep.EXAM 1 - 50 points
pp. 63, 333-342, Appendix
BSlide Set 7:Colors
and Characters
Due Tues. 10 Oct.Assignment 4: CNMI Airways, 15
pp. 41-46, 133-155Slide Set 8: CSS
pp. 157-174, 206-210 Slide Set 9: CSS Classes
pp. 175-196Slide Set 10: CSS Layout
Due Tues. 31 Oct.
Assignment 5: CSS Styling, 50 pts.
Thur. 2 Nov.EXAM 2 - 50 points
pp. 106 to 111Slide Set 6: Tables
Due March 21 : 20 pts Assignment 6: Tables
Slide Set 11: Rollover Effects
Due May 2: 80 ptsAssignment 7: Final Web Site & Presentation
EXAM 3 - 50 points: May 9 @ 4pm-6pm (Comprehensive)
All documents are Acrobat PDF format. Acrobat Reader is free.
(If doesn't load in browser save file and open with Acrobat Reader)
HTML for the World Wide Web,
5th Edition,
by Elizabeth Castro, Peachpit Press., 2003,
ISBN: 0-321-13007-3
Textbook web site -
Opera - It is the fastest and a very compact browser that complies with W3C standards. 3.4 MByte download. Be an Opera lover in 30 days.
Mozilla Firefox - Mozilla's next generation browser with extension architecture. 5 MByte download.
Text Pad
Feature filled shareware text editor. Optional dictionary
can be installed and Clip Libraries to aid in XHTML and
CSS coding.
The perfect xhtml 1.0 Strict document
PhotoFiltre - Freeware Image Editor (1.5 MByte) is
totally free and has No Ads.
Data storage=60 MBytes, Unlimited Subdomains, Site
management Tools, Advanced Control Panel, FTP access, but
filesize limited < 300 kBytes
Copyright © 2006 R.M. Laurie