CS 229

Java Programming


This is an introductory programming course covering the techniques of object-oriented computer programming in the Java programming language. Strict data-types will be covered and problem-solving using the object-oriented paradigm. The student will develop program applications using command line and event driven graphical user interfaces.


Read or do before class Syllabus

pp. 1-13 and 48-59 Slide Set 1: Programming Languages
pp. 13-23 Slide Set 2: Java Up and Running
Due Feb 7Assignment 1: pp. 20-23 #2, 7, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16

pp. 23-35Slide Set 3: Java Essentials
Due Feb 7Assignment 2: p28 #3, 4 and p34 #3 (Use print or println)

pp. 35-45Slide Set 4: JOptionPane
Slide Set 5: Java Class & Object Examples
Due Feb 14Assignment 3: p40 #3, 5 and p43 #2c – Solution

HandoutNumber Systems & Codes Handout
Due March 7 Assignment 4: Handout p10 #1a,b,c #2a,c,d, #3a,b, #4

Read pp. 60-74Slide Set 6: Java Literals & Operators
Due March 7Assignment 5: p74 #2 odd, #3 odd; p75 #9aceh; #76 #14, #15

Read pp. 77-88Slide Set 7: DataTypes
Due March 7Assignment 6: p88 #1; p89 #7, 13

Read pp. 90-113Slide Set 8: The Methods
Due March 14Assignment 7: p114 #4, #6, #8

EXAM 1 - 50 points: At beginning of class March 14.

Read pp. 181-182, 195-198, 211-216 Slide Set 9: Input
Due March 21 Assignment 8: p205 #3, #5 Format Output
3 Phases Due Assignment 9: Casino Project

Read pp. 241-265, 147-151 Slide Set 10: Selection & Flowcharts
Due March 30Assignment 10: p257 #8, p258 #12, p263 #2

Read pp. 297-318, 199-203Slide Set 11: Repetition & Validation
Due April 20Assignment 11: p.308 #5, p.318 #3

Read pp. 320-336, 618-630 Slide Set 12: More Loops and File Write

EXAM 2 - 50 points: April 20 At beginning of class

Read pp. 399-418, 348-350Slide Set 13: Arrays
Due May 4 Assignment 13: Dice Rolling Program

EXAM 3 - 50 points: May 9 @ 2-4pm (Comprehensive)

All documents are Acrobat PDF format. Acrobat Reader is free. Version 5 can be downloaded here.

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Textbook Obect-Oriented Program Development using JAVA
A Class Centered Approach, Enhanced Edition

Author: Gary Bronson,
Publisher: Course Technology, Thomson Learning, Inc.
2006, ISBN: 0-619-21720-0

Textbook web site - http://www.course.com


DrJava - Integrated Development Environment - http://drjava.org

Sun Microsystems - Creator of Java is at - http://java.sun.com

Java Tutorial Collection Site

Base 2, 10, 16 Number Comparison Program

Course Materials